Cigar Deodorant 200ml by Remy Latour
Cigar Deodorant 200ml by Remy Latour
Cigar Deo spray for Men by Remy Latour(200 ML) Best Deal online
Best Online Deal Cigar Remy Latour Deo Spray 200 ML Description -
Brand: Remy Latour
Type: Body Spray
Quantity: 200 ml
For men
Contains deodorants
Combo contains: Lomami For men - Cigar
Long lasting fragrance
Keeps you fresh and rejuvenated day long
Comes in a beautifully designed, easy to use spray format
Recommended for regular use
Ideal for gifting purpose
- Disclaimer: Please note that the perfume or deodorant may or may not come in a ploy wrap or seal pertaining to the respective brand's original packaging standards